safeguarding calgary businesses from the risks of chatgpt

Generative AI, such as ChatGPT, has rapidly become a tool that can be used to save companies time but has simultaneously become a security threat to those same organizations. Generative AI can transform industries with its ability to create realistic, sophisticated content; parse data; and generate code. However, generative AI also poses unique risks to businesses. Managed IT companies like The ITeam can play a crucial role in helping safeguard your business from risks associated with using ChatGPT and other generative AI tools.

Understanding the Risks of Generative AI

chatgpt risks

Generative AI encompasses a variety of technologies, including language models like Chat GPT, image generators, and more. While these technologies have been able to create prolific amounts of content, they have also raised serious concerns about misinformation, deepfakes, and intellectual property theft. Businesses that choose to employ generative AI without addressing these concerns are at risk of reputational damage, loss of sensitive information, and legal repercussions. Here are some key risks associated with the use of generative AI:

Cybersecurity Threats

As more companies use generative AI, new attack vectors become available to  cybercriminals. Cybercriminals can inject malicious content into AI-generated content (do you know what or who is behind the generative AI you’re using?). And cybercriminals are already using AI to craft sophisticated phishing attacks. Businesses need robust cybersecurity measures to defend against these evolving threats.

Misinformation and Deepfakes

Generative AI can be used to create highly realistic and convincing content, including text messages, email, and multimedia. Not only is there a huge risk of generating and distributing misinformation and deepfakes that can damage your business’s reputation or manipulate public perception, but your own company could become a victim of the same kind of misinformation campaigns.

Intellectual Property Concerns

Generative AI has the capability to generate content that may inadvertently or deliberately infringe upon intellectual property rights. This includes the generation of text, images, or other media that closely resemble existing copyrighted material, leading to potential legal issues for businesses.

Security and Privacy Concerns

Using generative AI like Chat GPT can inadvertently result in the creation of content that exposes sensitive information. For example, an AI system might inadvertently generate text containing confidential details or images. This can lead to data breaches that compromise the security of sensitive information.

Bias and Fairness Issues

Generative AI models utilize data sets that almost always contain a level of inherent bias. The greater risk is that AI will perpetuate and amplify those biases in its generated content. This can result in discriminatory or prejudiced content that can lead to ethical concerns for businesses.

Regulatory Compliance Challenges

As the legal landscape concerning generative AI evolves, businesses may face challenges when it comes to ensuring compliance with emerging regulations. Navigating the regulatory environment, which may vary across jurisdictions, can be complex and require businesses to stay informed about the legal implications of their AI use.

Do You Know Who Is Behind the Generative AI You’re Using?

generative AI risks

Many generative AI models operate using complex and often obscured scripts. As such, understanding how these models arrive at specific decisions or generate certain content can be challenging. This lack of ability to explain the concepts generated by ChatGPT can be a concern, especially in industries where transparency and accountability are crucial. And using AI-generated content on your website can also be risky.

We asked ChatGPT: “Who owns the copyright of the content created by AI?”

The generated answer was:

The question of copyright ownership for AI-generated content is a complex and evolving legal issue that varies by jurisdiction. In many countries, copyright law typically attributes authorship to human creators, and AI systems are not recognized as legal entities capable of holding copyrights.

As of my last knowledge update in January 2022, some jurisdictions may consider the individual or organization that created or trained the AI system as the copyright holder. In other cases, it might be argued that the AI itself or the data used to train it contributes to the creation of the content.

It’s important to note that legal frameworks are constantly evolving, and new legislation or precedents may emerge. For the most up-to-date and accurate information on this topic, you should consult legal experts or keep abreast of recent developments in copyright law related to AI-generated content in your specific jurisdiction.

Dated Content

The generated response regarding content copyright brings to light yet another risk in using generative AI in your business. Without taking proper precautions and ensuring human involvement, accuracy and relevancy of data is in question. The data to which ChatGPT has access is often outdated.

We asked ChatGPT: “What are the top managed IT concerns of 2024?”

The generated answer was: “As of my last knowledge update in January 2022, I don’t have specific information about the top managed services concerns for 2024.”

Providing outdated information to your customers can lead to lack of reliability.

How to Address the Risk of Using Generative AI

To address risks inherent in the use of ChatGPT and other generative AI tools, businesses should implement comprehensive risk management strategies, including clear-cut policies about the use of generative AI, as well as robust cybersecurity measures, ethical guidelines, and ongoing monitoring of any AI systems authorized for use. It is critical to stay aware of the evolving regulatory landscape and actively promote transparency of and accountability for AI usage, in order to mitigate potential pitfalls associated with its use.

The Role of Managed Service Providers in Safeguarding Against the Threat of Generative AI

how managed IT can safeguard your business from the risks of generative AI

Working with a managed service provider (MSP) can help ensure that you have the security in place that can protect you from the risks of generative AI. Here are some of the benefits your MSP can provide:

Advanced Threat Detection and Prevention

Managed IT companies leverage state-of-the-art threat detection systems to identify potential risks associated with generative AI. This includes monitoring for malicious content, analyzing communication patterns, and identifying anomalies that may indicate the presence of harmful AI-generated content.

Continuous Monitoring and Analysis

The landscape of generative AI is constantly evolving, with new models and techniques emerging regularly. Managed IT companies provide continuous monitoring and analysis of the latest developments in AI to stay ahead of potential threats. This proactive approach ensures that businesses are protected against novel risks as they arise.

Employee Training and Awareness

Human error remains a significant factor in cybersecurity breaches. Managed IT companies recognize the importance of educating employees about the risks associated with generative AI. Training programs raise awareness about identifying suspicious content, practicing secure communication, and adhering to established security protocols.

Incident Response Planning

Despite preventive measures, no system is entirely immune to data breaches. Managed IT companies work with businesses to develop comprehensive incident response plans. These plans outline the steps to be taken in the event of a security incident involving generative AI, minimizing the impact to your business and facilitating a swift recovery.

Regulatory Compliance

The legal landscape surrounding AI is evolving, with regulations being implemented to address potential risks. Managed IT companies assist businesses, ensuring compliance with relevant regulations and protecting businesses from legal consequences while correspondingly navigating the complex regulatory environment associated with generative AI.

Should My Business Use Generative AI?

As generative AI continues to shape the technological landscape, the risk to businesses cannot be ignored. Completely avoiding the technology, however, may also pose risks. Managed IT companies serve as vital partners in mitigating risks as you explore the potential benefits of leveraging generative AI in your business. By embracing a comprehensive approach to cybersecurity, businesses can harness the benefits of generative AI while safeguarding their operations, reputation, and sensitive information.

Why Choose The ITeam?

The ITeam works diligently to not only ensure that your IT infrastructure is operating like a well-oiled machine but also to ensure that we’re focused on the challenges of your specific industry, including new technologies like generative AI. From compliance and governance requirements to unique trends in your business, we customize what we do to fit your needs. There are many aspects of a well-rounded approach to IT service management, and The ITeam strives to meet every need of their clients through proactive planning and execution. Comprehensive services range from remote maintenance to fully managed cloud hosting, with limitless benefits for your business. Get in touch today to learn more.