how does a vpn protect your data?

VPN, or Virtual Private Network, refers to any data network that connects computers over the Internet or some other public network. A VPN can be used by businesses of all sizes to protect against cybercrime, whether it’s protecting your company’s sensitive data or allowing employees to safely access corporate resources from home or while on the road. But how does a VPN actually work? And why is it important?

What is a VPN?

A VPN allows you to create an encrypted connection—or tunnel—to another network over the Internet. So, if you were previously connected to your workplace’s local area network (LAN) and then went on vacation, you can use your company’s VPN to access that same LAN when in your hotel room using your laptop.  By connecting via a secure encrypted connection rather than potentially unsecured Wi-Fi networks, you limit risk. Encrypting data is necessary because traffic traveling through a public network such as a café Wi-Fi hotspot or airport terminal can never be guaranteed safe from snooping. With more and more companies supporting a permanent remote workforce, insisting on the use of VPNs for employees when using unsecured public wireless networks should be the standard.

How Does a VPN Work?

Cybersecurity is important for businesses of all sizes. By using a virtual private network (VPN), you can ensure that your business data is secure. To understand how a VPN can protect your business’ data, you first need to understand how it works. Here are three reasons why every business needs to employ VPN as part of their cybersecurity strategy:

#1: Secure Remote Connections. When employees travel or telecommute, your company’s VPN, allows them to be able to access files on their computer while away from work.

#2: Improved Employee Productivity. With a VPN in place, workers can access cloud services as if those tools were installed on their desktop computers—no matter where they happen to be working at any given time.

#3: Increased Security Across All Devices. Employees often switch between difference devices and different locations during a typical day—sometimes going back and forth between their laptop and mobile device, working from home then from a café, or even accessing the network during an off-site function or from a customer’s location. Using a VPN helps to eliminate security risks that exist when connecting to WIFI outside the company’s secure connection.

Why Do You Need a VPN?

Most offices have regular security measures in place, but when disaster strikes there’s always a risk that your data could be lost or stolen. And that can be disastrous for business continuity. So, in addition to having firewalls and anti-virus software, it’s important to have another level of protection. Using a Virtual Private Network (VPN) allows you to rest easy knowing that your data is safe from theft or loss no matter what happens at your office.

What Data Does a VPN protect?

When you’re working online, your data travels through public networks that are full of other people—some you know, some you don’t. Hackers can target these networks to steal valuable information like login credentials or credit card numbers. Because a VPN creates an encrypted tunnel between your computer and your destination, these thieves can’t access any sensitive business data you send over it. And because your internet connection appears to originate from within their network, they can’t trace your connection back to you. If hackers have intercepted business data in transit before encryption was added, using a VPN helps protect against replay attacks by making sure important info isn’t sent along insecure lines. Encryption also prevents mass surveillance of internet activity by keeping web traffic private from prying eyes at cafes or airports where open Wi-Fi is available.

Benefits of Using a VPN

There are many benefits to employing a VPN as part of your overall cybersecurity strategy.

#1. Protection from Cybersecurity Threats

Cybersecurity is a top priority for any business today, as protecting data has never been more important. In fact, 54% of SMBs have had their company data compromised at some point in time. When sensitive information such as credit card numbers and bank account details fall into cybercriminals’ hands, it can have disastrous effects on your business operations. With a virtual private network (VPN), however, you can encrypt your internet traffic to protect against these types of attacks and avoid having to experience costly downtime or other issues stemming from such breaches.

#2. Business Continuity

Regardless of how well you safeguard your systems, one thing that cannot be safeguarded is an Internet connection. Consider what would happen if your office were located in New York City but wanted to conduct business with California-based partners; without an Internet connection between the two states, that’s impossible unless they were physically present in one state or another. Even short outages could affect business continuity, resulting in negative consequences. The best way to avoid such problems is by using a VPN service, which creates a tunnel through which data packets travel between locations—in essence, connecting different networks together as if they were all connected locally over one physical LAN. There are numerous benefits to businesses who make use of a VPN service like Touch VPN, including preventing information loss and protecting business data integrity.

#3. Secure Access

As we mentioned above, remote workers often rely on public WiFi hotspots to get work done while away from the office – whether traveling domestically or abroad. This may not always be safe: There are several cases where attackers set up fake WiFi hotspots specifically to obtain their targets’ personal data and banking information via man-in-the-middle attacks.

How The ITeam Can Help with your VPNs

We provide business data security from cyberattacks by setting up a Virtual Private Network working with partners like Sonicwall, Fortinet, and Cisco. But we don’t stop there – not only do we help secure your network, but we ensure that you have a business continuity and disaster recovery plan in place in case of an emergency.

To learn more about how we can help you add a VPN as an important layer of your overall cybersecurity strategy, contact us today!