why your calgary business needs cyber insurance

Is your business prepared to defend itself against cybersecurity threats?

In an increasingly digital world, cybercrime is more prevalent than ever. Most Calgary businesses understand the importance of having a managed IT partner and prioritizing cybersecurity. Implementing robust security measures, such as firewalls, intrusion detection systems, and ongoing employee training, is essential for protecting sensitive data and preventing unauthorized access. However, even with the best security practices in place, no system is completely foolproof. Cybercriminals are constantly evolving their tactics, making it difficult for businesses to protect themselves from the devastating financial and reputational damage caused by cyberattacks. That’s where cybersecurity insurance comes in.

Cyber insurance is a viable solution for covering losses resulting from a data beach, but many Calgary businesses aren’t investing in cybersecurity policies. The reasons vary for choosing not to obtain cyber insurance, but in many cases, business leaders are averse to the additional cost, believe their security posture is sufficient enough to make insurance unnecessary, or assume the risk will fall to their managed service provider (MSP).

Dispelling Myths about Breach Liability

Your managed IT service provider will partner with you to reduce the cybersecurity risks to your organization, with proactive solutions that include firewalls, threat detection, early warning systems, network assessments, MFA, and a variety of monitoring tools. But no company is 100% safe. All businesses are at risk of a cyberattack, regardless of how effective their security systems and processes are; subsequently, cyber insurance should be a staple in a every business’s insurance portfolio.

It’s Not a Matter of IF but WHEN

With cyberattacks on the rise, businesses cannot afford to ignore the importance of cybersecurity insurance. It provides a safety net that can help mitigate the financial impact of an attack, covering costs associated with legal fees, data recovery, and notification expenses. Additionally, cyber insurance can protect your brand reputation by providing public relations support and crisis management services.

Understanding the Threat Landscape

In order to fully grasp the importance of cybersecurity insurance, it is crucial to understand the threat landscape that businesses face today. Cyberattacks are a common occurrence; they have become a daily reality for organizations of all sizes and in virtually all industries. Hackers are constantly developing new techniques and exploiting vulnerabilities, to gain unauthorized access to sensitive data and disrupt business operations. Your organization and your MSP can have every protection in place, and it still only takes one employee clicking a link in a phishing email to unleash a cascade of events that leave you vulnerable to lawsuits, fines, and business loss.

How Cyber Insurance Works

how cyber insurance works

Cybersecurity insurance, also known as cyber liability insurance, is designed to protect businesses from the financial impact of cyberattacks. Cyber insurance provides coverage for a wide range of expenses associated with a cyber incident, including legal fees, data recovery costs, notification expenses, and public relations support.

When a business purchases a cybersecurity insurance policy, they are essentially transferring the risk of a cyberattack to the insurance company. In the event of a covered incident, the insurance company will provide financial compensation to help the business recover from the event and minimize the impact on their operations and reputation. In order to qualify for cyber insurance, the business must demonstrate that they are proactively addressing potential risks by implementing measures to prevent attacks. The matter of investing in cybersecurity and in cyber insurance is not an either-or situation. You need both.

According to Sophos,

“Quality of cyber defenses is a major factor in the ability of organizations to secure cyber insurance coverage, with 95% of those that purchased a policy in the last year saying their defenses impacted their cyber insurance position. 60% said that the quality of their defenses impacted their ability to get coverage, while 62% said they impacted the cost of their policy. 28% reported that their defenses impacted the terms of their policy e.g., total amount of coverage, sub-limits etc.”

Choosing the Right Cyber Insurance Policy

cyber insurance policies

Selecting the right cyber insurance policy is crucial for ensuring adequate protection for your business. Here are some key factors to consider when evaluating different policies:


Carefully review the coverage options offered by each policy. Look for coverage that aligns with your specific risks and needs, such as data breach response, business interruption, and legal liability.

Policy Limits

Determine the maximum amount the insurance company will pay out for a covered claim. Make sure the policy limits are sufficient to cover potential losses and expenses.


Pay attention to any exclusions listed in the policy. Some policies may exclude specific industries or certain types of cyberattacks, so it’s important to understand who and what is not covered.

Remediation Limitations

Some policies indicate that the business is not allowed to make changes to engage in remediation if they are filing a claim. This can handcuff the business when they are working with an MSP partner to remediate the situation as soon as it’s discovered.


Consider the deductible amount, which is the portion of the claim that the insured must pay before the insurance coverage kicks in. A higher deductible may result in lower premiums but could also mean higher out-of-pocket expenses in the event of a claim.

Key Considerations for Evaluating Cyber Insurance Providers

how to choose a cyber insurance company

In addition to evaluating the policy itself, it’s important to assess the cybersecurity insurance provider. Here are some key considerations to keep in mind:

Reputation and Experience

Research the insurance provider’s reputation and experience in the cybersecurity insurance industry. Look for a company with a track record of handling claims effectively and providing excellent customer service.

Financial Stability

Assess the financial stability of the insurance provider. You want to ensure that they have the resources to fulfill their obligations in the event of a large-scale cyberattack.

Cybersecurity Insurance Is a Worthy Investment for Calgary Businesses

As cyberattacks continue to pose a significant threat to Calgary businesses, cyber insurance has become an essential tool for protecting against financial and reputational damage. By understanding the threat landscape, evaluating coverage options, and taking the necessary steps to strengthen your cybersecurity defenses, you can safeguard your business and stay one step ahead of cybercriminals. Don’t wait until it’s too late. Invest in cyber insurance today and give yourself peace of mind in an increasingly digital world.

There are many aspects of a well-rounded approach to IT service management, and The ITeam strives to meet every need of their clients through proactive planning and execution. Comprehensive services range from remote maintenance to fully managed cloud hosting, with limitless benefits for your business. Get in touch today to learn more.