Business Continuity & Disaster Recovery Plan
Worrying about ransomware?
Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery (BCDR) provides organizations with a way to protect their data by storing it safely offsite.
In the event a disaster happens, you can access your data from the offsite source, and quickly be back online serving your customers with a limited break in service. Every business faces the risk of a ransomware attack.
Unfortunately, those attacks continue to be more sophisticated as technology advances. It is much more cost-effective and efficient to have cloud backup services than paying a ransom and working to decrypt attacked files.
Downtime costs Canadian businesses more than $16B annually, and worse, more than half of all Canadian businesses have no IT disaster recovery plan in place. For more than 20 years, we’ve been delivering comprehensive IT services and support for Calgary.
Contact us now for a complimentary business assessment from one of our IT support professionals.
What is a Business Continuity Plan?
Operating a business comes with inherent risk.
Mitigating that risk is something every business leader must consider. From ensuring a safe environment for customers who visit your location, having a lock on your door to prevent theft, to having a sprinkler system that quickly puts out fires, businesses are always looking for ways to minimize risks.
A business continuity plan is a blueprint a business can follow in case of disaster. There are typically leadership roles assigned as well as failsafe measures in place such as policies, procedures, and action steps.
A business continuity plan is a proactive measure taken to make sure your business is capable of continuing to operate even if something catastrophic happens. One of those steps should include creating a disaster recovery plan.
From financial records to customer accounts, stored data is the core of your business operations. Imagine the cost and length of time that would be required to recreate those records.
To prevent that kind of risk, it is essential to regularly and automatically backup your data. By storing a backup of your data at an offsite location, you will have access to the information your business needs to remain in operation, even if your facility is inaccessible or destroyed.
What is a Disaster Recovery Plan?
In the event of a data breach, ransomware attack, or natural disaster that damages your network, a disaster recovery plan will help your business quickly and easily recover from the loss.
A backup and data recovery plan is an essential risk mitigation strategy for business continuity – one that can be very costly if ignored.
Cloud backup offers you the ability to store your data at a secure offsite location with continuous and automated backups.
With a backup and disaster recovery plan in place, your data can be safely recovered either to your existing network once the threat has been eliminated or to a temporary location.
How Does it Work?
Why Choose The ITeam
Making the shift to cloud services is simple with The ITeam.
The ITeam Cloud Backup services include offsite backup and recovery solutions that offer:
- Immediate Disaster Recovery Services
- Safe & Secure Storage of Data
- Local Hosting and Support
- Customizable Solutions
- 24/7 Monitoring
- Virtual Machine Backup and replication
- Fully Managed Recovery Services